JSDF requirements/training? (8)

1 Name: MJP!UyIEvIA9Mg 2005-11-23 20:20 ID:p+6AiOQO

OK, question for those of you who have knowledge of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. What are the minimum requirements for a new recruit? How would he/she go about joining the SDF? What are the fitness requirements, and if possible, what is the course of basic training?

If there's an SDF FAQ out there, it'd be much appreciated.

(x-posted everywhere)

2 Name: Citizen 2005-11-23 22:33 ID:cn8/NXBZ

Dunno about the exact requitements , but in my country you can join the army if you are:
17years of age or older
Have basic fitness:
25push ups
15sit ups and
run 3000m in 11minutes.
And have good blood and oxygen intake.
Like 2/3 of the counrty passes that.

3 Name: Citizen 2005-11-24 12:50 ID:Heaven


He didn't ask about your country.

4 Name: Citizen 2005-11-24 22:25 ID:cn8/NXBZ

it's prob the same all over the world.

5 Name: Citizen 2005-11-25 11:41 ID:Heaven


Uh, that would be a very, very big "NO".

6 Name: Citizen 2005-11-27 18:26 ID:Heaven

Eh? Are you planning on joining?

7 Name: MJP!UyIEvIA9Mg 2005-11-30 01:06 ID:DtOLfLwx


No, it's for this Full Metal Panic fanfiction:


8 Name: Citizen 2005-11-30 12:19 ID:Heaven

Oh, I see. That's even more idiotic.

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