Is the first amendment a falsehood? (49)

14 Name: Citizen 2006-02-09 03:47 ID:veyqGEn6


so firing someone, thus suddenly and without warning denying them basic food, shelter, and possibly punishing their children for something they said by denying them food, shelter, college, is not aggressive.

i'd rather be shot or punched in the stomach thank you.

i forgot which one of our founding fathers, but one of them said that to threaten ones paycheck is to threaten ones life, as the ability to buy food and housing is essential to life. if/when we start space colonization there will also be oxygen bills, and at that time denying one employment will equal strangulation.

16 Name: Citizen 2006-02-09 14:28 ID:l/8JIfFF

A lot of people in a lot of places are dependant on their employer, and can't just get a new job if they lose the one they have. Just because you are a priviledged and highly-educated member of society who can change jobs like you change underwear, doesn't mean everyone can.

There are a lot of desperate people out there, who would feel getting punched in the stomach is a much less aggressive act than being laid off as a retaliation for something they said. Those people know to keep their mouths shut.

Is this, to you, completely unrelated to freedom of speech?

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