What do you think about Bush? (46)

33 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-24 12:07 ID:54apO/+Q

Bush=Leader of New economy.

In this " Economic survival race"
Richer race can pay hard coin for education of their children.
Poorer race can have only inferior education.
Richer race make close rich.
Poorer race make close poor.
As a result,
Richer race become super race
Poorer race become under race・・・
Concentration camps called new type poverty.
Ja,Even poor people wouldn't become extinct.
But,poor people would be ragarded as living?
Just working for bread race is humanistic
Working makes free?
Later era,People might call this era "2nd world fasizm"
If the future world is not be ruled by super race.

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