Why the Libertarian party will never become a viable third party (62)

2 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-21 14:23 ID:0+Qj2fM+

I am a Japanese.
so i would like to comment as a Japanese.
i cannot trust Japanese Left Wing and Libertarian people.
1994, Left Wing people could gain the regime.
they has insisted that they are against consumer's tax and Japanese self diffence force because of the Japanese constitution which claims Japan will not have the troops to solve international problems.

those ideals are pretty good but can you imagine what they did for us?

at the moment, when they got the regime, they throw away the message board saying `we are against the consumer's tax'

1995, Hansin dai sinsai(very big earthquake) attacked Kobe city and around there and that damage was so terrible.
but the prime minister didnt order the self deffence force to rescue victims soon and he rejected American offer to use their carriers and foreign volunteers.
more than 5000 people died by the earthquake.
they chose their ideals but people'lifes.
Japanese madeas are very good for Left Wing and Libertarians and they did't critisize the regime.
I believe if they didnt hesitate to use the force,
so many people could survive.

as the evidence, 2 years ago a very big earthquake attacked Niigata prefecture and at the moment, the regime was for the democratic conservertive party and the self diffence force worked very hard.
the victims was much less than Kobe's case.

Now the government tryes to creat the small goverment.
Japanse people used to be desasters and we are confident to re boult cities. in fact my city is aside a volcano which erupts almost everyday. so I dont worry for desasters but i cannot stand
to be betrayed by our medias and goverment.

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