Why the Libertarian party will never become a viable third party (62)

25 Name: Citizen : 2007-07-15 08:46 ID:abhQ8mFh

If we are talking about a fire in a close knit medieval village maybe this would work, for modern towns and cities with at least 20000 people you cannot rely on community spirit.. Many people won't pitch in or just make it seem like they are doing something in the belief that they alone can't make much difference so there is no point contributing resources.

Under a libertarian system everyone contributes aligned to the fire hazard they are responsible for, this fair system is not only more economical but in fact deletes the need for finncial assistance in this matter. Poor people can only afford housing with the least risk because they or their landlords/ladies cannot afford high insurance and attract customers from their income bracket. If a sprinkler system costs less than insurance without, then the poor get sprinklers. Richer people have to pay for the risks their carpets, smoking, excessive furniture and BBQs cause.

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