I Can't Stand Any of You (20)

17 Name: Citizen : 2007-03-10 03:44 ID:Heaven

Now in USA almost prostitution business owner are Jew,
then many prostitute are coming to USA illegally from Israel.

They do not care law, moral, and another person.

At The World War 2, Israel engaged same business.
So no one related in USA about prostitute business.

Jew prostitute got more than 30 yen (much higher than US soldier at The War Land.)

All Jew prostitutes are hired by Israel, and Israeli Government also issued ad to hire Jew prostitutes.

At The World War 2, US invaded to Germany, but US did not invade to Israel.

Israel hoped to be US instead of to prevent invaded by Egypt or Saudi Arabia.

Even if George Washington (first prime minister) opposed it.(He was killed Jewish terrorist, that's why from this idea).

So he was assassinated.

This problem was made American FOX NEWS at first, this company is controlled by Israeli.

(Most media have been controlled by Jews.)

These medias forcibly broadcast what seems all Americans must like and respect to Jewish TV star, Jewish singer,

Jewish Idea ...anything about Jews every day in USA.

If you are company owner strongly recommend about [Do not hire Jew in your company]

Your company may occupied and controlled by Jew like in USA.

And please understand about USA is not going to radical nationalist.

We dislike only Jew, Black, Gook(not all)behavior. There is many problem with them in USA,

but American FBI and police always hide away their problems.

For example,

When Japanese girl was killed in USA, At first American police dose not movie.

At that time, everybody think about it must be done by Jew, but nobody say anything.

Pachinko and Casino (Nevada area) they are not arrested by their illegal.

Also mafia, many cult religions ( BAPTIST is biggest religion in Japan and control republican political party.)

Political party, (democrat, republican ) Democrat political party also is controlled by jew. ( MOSSAD radical Israeli terrorist)

RENTAL MONEY BUSINESS (Officially regale business, actually they do not care kill person or makePeople going to suicide for money. )

They are so dengerous.

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