Ron Paul for U.S. President 2008 (57)

45 Name: Citizen : 2007-12-15 04:18 ID:Heaven

To be fair, castrating the judicial branch isn't in the Constitution either.

Meh. I'm probably an asshole for it, but I don't care. If some states desperately wish to become Christian theocracies or otherwise return to the 18th century, I see no reason to stop them, and think that those who live in such states and don't like the change would be doing an overdue favor to themselves and the country by taking themselves- and their tax dollars- to a social climate more in line with their views.

It's better than economic collapse (which seems probable with the election of any big spender, pro-corporate, status-quo candidate) or turning the entire country into a Christian theocracy (electing Huckabee.)

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