Why Can't Korea/China/Japan Get Along? (48)

10 Name: Citizen : 2007-08-09 04:55 ID:O0BsUifs


No! no!

Big Fat China was bossing little Korea around the schoolyard telling him what to do, and taking some of his lunch money, and Jock Japan came over and beat up Fat China, and bullied Little Korea in being his crony, taking some of that lunch money while he was at it.

Then the Teacher came along and scolded Japan, dropping two big smacks with his ruler on his head, Fat China started hanging around with the Red Gang and vandalising the schoolyard, Japan was on probation and forced into good behavior, and Little Korea developed a bipolar disorder and was a whiny bitch to Japan the whole time while on probation, blackmailing him for freebies, and using the Teacher as leverage.

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