7 Name: Citizen : 2007-06-16 02:36 ID:PQ9aCng3

The atomic bomb dropping to Japan proper by the United States is historical true. Because a lot of evidences rises, too it is strongly recommended to be reinspected. The fact United States thinks it to be a crime. Therefore, the United States should tailor and raise Japan to a close pivot of evil at prewar days. The atomic bomb was dropped toward the city where a lot of civilians existed while the Pearl Harbor attack of Japan was the one having aimed at complete military centers. After all, the United States did not have the justice in the Pacific War. The United States in country where great cause doesn't exist. The indebtedness strongly hoped for the testimony concerning the delinquency of Japan (Regardless of whether it was fabrication). It appears to the falsehood such as Nanking Massacres and comfort womans well. Japan doesn't follow the United States if those fictions are swallowed on trust and Japan is criticized at what time. Japan wins this time.

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