What the hell is up with the new generation of Americans? (42)

2 Name: Citizen : 2007-12-19 22:36 ID:RBNtHQFb

The more technology we get and the better it gets, the more excuse parents have to use it as a babysitter. That is where all the idiots are coming for. Dont get me wrong, I love technology, I just don't like the way I see people using it so that they can get their children to "leave them alone." I mean, why would anyone want to waste their time reading a book or going to a museum, just wait for them to make the movie or put it on a website. That is why children are so well educated.
It is easier to stop at a fastfood drive in than spend 30 min cooking a healthy meal. That is why the kids now are in such wonderful health. People substitute their family's health for convience.
And people don't care about the war because not only do they not support it, but it is "way over there." Most people I know don't realise that there is a difference between supporting a war, and supporting our troops. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it, and right now we are in a situation that has already been printed in your history book. I too am American and think that our society would do well to be less self-centered and arrogant, and more open minded.

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