[AMERICA] lol iowa [FUCK YEAH] (6)

1 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-04 04:39 ID:uCNV92BK

DEMOCRATS (99% reporting)

  1. Barack Obama 37.48%
  2. John Edwards 29.79%
  3. Hillary Clinton 29.43%
  4. Bill Richardson 2.09%
  5. Joe Biden 0.93%
  6. Chris Dodd 0.04%
  7. Gravel and Kucinich: 0%

REPUBLICANS (86% reporting)

  1. Mike Huckabee 34.35%
  2. Mitt Romney 25.39%
  3. Fred Thompson 13.42%
  4. John McCain 13.16%
  5. Ron Paul 9.74%
  6. Rudy Giuliani 3.48%
  7. Duncan Hunter 0.44%

Dems: Nice to see Hillary get trounced - not by much, but it might be the beginning of the end for her. At the least, the pooh-poohing about Obama should quiet down a little, and people might start taking Edwards seriously. Also, Dodd's dropped out due to his poor showing, not that anyone cares (no one cared when he was running, either. Thanks for filibustering FISA though, Senator.)
Repubs: There's only one solid judgement from this mess- Mr. 9/11 is doomed. I doubt Huck's momentum will last outside of Jesusland. Paul may be finished, but might still have a chance if he pulls some juicy headlines for defeating Giuliani, or does very well in New Hampshire. Thompson's performance bewilders me. I still think Romney has the best odds, but it's hard to say.

2 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-04 06:41 ID:h/XLjeBa

Fuck Yeah, Obama!

3 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-04 21:22 ID:4HKgxm0y

this is like double christmas for people who dislike RONPAUL

4 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-05 03:40 ID:JAL6Cypk

Did Huckabee won due to Chuck Norris?

5 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-05 10:18 ID:PR5tCtVI

Chuck Norris had the creepest smile when I saw him on TV with Huckabee this morning. I don't think he even blinked once.

6 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-05 14:15 ID:Up68n46K

>but it might be the beginning of the end for her.

Well, The NIE said that Iran stopped the nuke program in 2003. Hilary the Hawk bye bye. Open Caucusus for Iowa and New H. Let me, an anime otaku Japanese Republican, be a one-day Democrat and vote for Barak. Fuck, he is said to be advised by neo-cons who sereved for Regan. Yeah, Zbigniew! Seems to be a Republican division plan going on.

Now back to the usual anime program, boys!

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