Anyone here who despises nearly all political Ideaology? (38)

17 Name: Citizen : 2008-01-18 04:39 ID:5K6iev0Z

It feels like the last time ideologies were proper lables was way back in the mid-nineteenth century, since then lables have become tainted.

In terms of myself, I generally agree with what Marx had to say on economics and who should be holding power in a nation, but not what he had to say on relocating population and his loudly implied assertions that ethnic cleansing against bourgeois populations is excusable.

I also agree with Lenin where he reexplained Marxist theory so that it would make sense contemporarily, his largely more peaceful leanings, and in his vision of what a revolutionary party should look like, but not with his War Communism system implemented from 1918 to 1922 and not with his prosecution of anarchists and social democrats when they were not actively fighting against him.

Trotsky is the last of the theoreticians I admire, as his eye was one of very few which still saw the world for the way it was during the dark period of the 'thirties though I dislike how he tended to make generalizations based on limited evidence.

A couple others, not truly developers of economic or political theory but still insightful thinkers on the world situation, whom I agree with would be Orwell, Nikolai Murakov, Salvador Allende, Robert Cannon, and Diego Rivera.

I differ from most of the left I associate myself with, however, in that I believe that a revolution taking place in modern Europe will not be successful unless for if the United States is also swept up in it, and in that I believe that China is a waning power. I'm isolated from all but the most radical of US nationalists, as well, when I argue that the United States should maintain its armed presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Balkans in order to prevent continuing ethnic violence from flaring up into full scale civil wars which may kill millions. Though I believe the environment will not survive forever under current circumstance, I also believe that global warming is not so severe as people make it out to be, and believe that humans come before nonsapient species. Also, our environment will not recover under the current damaging economic system, no matter what the Democrats and their Green buddies try to feed you.

I also have the understanding that explaining my political leanings cannot be done adequately with less than the amount of substance in this post; certainly not in one or two quick buzzwords.

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