Voting is an act of faith, a submission to fantasy. (16)

1 Name: Citizen : 2008-02-07 00:08 ID:1oCUswS3

When you believe in a political ideology or when you cast your vote for a candidate, what you are doing is acting on the only political manifestation of your free will. What are you doing with your only mental freedom is essentially saying "I believe in this candidate, and I trust that all his actions will reflect my views for his/her duration in office." The candidate for which you vote has no legal, morale or spiritual requirement to serve your interests - and may in fact act in a way that you find contrary to your beliefs. It would be in ignorance of history to believe that an oligarchy has ever served it's supporters rather than itself.

In this sense, you have agreed for the duration to suspend your free will for the sake of a fantasy.

What I find interesting is that the analogy of political belief to religious belief does not end with the illustration of faith vs. reason. A good example (barring the political bias) of this is the book "What's wrong with Kansas", on which the premise is that individuals who would receive the greatest personal benefit from voting for the American Democratic Party, choose instead to vote for the American Republican Party.

Taking as a given that a particular group would believe in a political party that has little benefit for them, comparisons to cult-religion such as Scientology and LDS are numerous and easy to make, and I will leave them for you to infer.

My message is this, that unless your free will can be acted upon the political sphere constantly, you have no free will or sentience on that political scale. You are a non-entity.

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