Voting is an act of faith, a submission to fantasy. (16)

8 Name: Citizen : 2008-02-08 06:55 ID:1oCUswS3

>>7 I think it says in the title what this is really about, which is about reasonable political discourse. Is it truly an argument against ideology or about belief in ideology, I think the title of the post and the content of the first post should clear this up for you.

If it was an argument against ideology... well, honestly, I think that would be inane. I also think an argument against faith and belief would be inane for the exact same reason, these are attributes I have found to be reliably frequent in human beings. What matters is to
A.) Have a healthy degree a skepticism
B.) Have a system of voting that can change dynamically
C.) Have a system of voting that does not favor the majority

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