When are we going to get rid of these borders already? (60)

42 Name: Citizen : 2008-04-17 13:49 ID:Heaven

Let me tell you a story: when Irish immigrants first came to the United States, they were decried as "white niggers;" viewed as sub-human, even African-Americans bitched about their savagery. People whined about their backwards customs, reluctance to adopt American customs, and higher birthrate. A lot of honkies were convinced they were a threat to genteel American society.

Now, no one gives a shit about Irish Americans. Irish men marry white women all the time without a fuss being kicked up. One day, your grandchildren will fail to have nightmares about towel-headed savages and castration. So shut up.

PS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Irish_Need_Apply
(lest you somehow get it into your pointy head I'm full of shit)

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