jews (6, permasaged)

1 Name: Citizen : 2008-05-01 18:29 ID:w8R85Hby

a rabbi told me the other day the deffinitive prove to demon's existance. you have to get a black female cat (daughter of a black cat), kill it and burn it. put your bed in the middle of your room so that it's not touching any walls, and then spread the ash in a circle surrounding it. sleep there. the next day if you're still alive you will see the marks of demon's feet: they'll look like hen claws. and that's it, I really talked to a rabbi asking him to prove his wonderful religion and this is the best he could come with (it is written on the guemara wich is like the torah i think).

ps. jews did wtc

6 Name: Citizen : 2008-05-22 22:33 ID:K87A5beX

Same Jew.

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