O.K. guys, talk to you about it until 8 weeks from now, and I'd be happy to be wrong about everything.
You're right, >>2. Looks like the economy will collapse before McCain dies.
How many of America's great presidents would be considered 'qualified' to be president today? Lincoln? Palin is not that bad. There's a fun thing called "Mutually Assured Destruction" that has prevented wars between anyone with nukes for the past 60-some years.
Economy-wise, are you stating that Obama would be better for the country economically? He has plans to increase foreign aid and increase taxes on the rich. You know, those awful people who went to college and made smart decisions and use their money to start businesses and invest?
Smart decisions like founding mega-conglomerate banks and insurers and buying mortgage securities that no one knew the value of, then panicking when the market notices and running to the Treasury to bail them out with money we don't have, because they're obviously 'too big to fail'?
Anyway, taxation is honest. I'd rather be taxed then watch the dollar become worthless because, lacking other sources of revenue, McCain/Palin will keep on printing money to fund their overseas adventures.
If there were a real financial conservative with a fighting chance in this election, they'd have my vote instead of Obama, but there is not. Such is the curse of the two-party system.
yeah everyone should vote for Bob Bar problem solved
Nope sorry, the official candidate of /politics/ is Koichi Toyama.
>and increase taxes on the rich. You know, those awful people who went to college and made smart decisions and use their money to start businesses and invest?
Seriously, what have the rich done for us lately? Tax them.
>made selfish decisions
Terrorist attack before election, Bush cancels election and declares martial law. He declares war on Iran and Pakistan and Venezuela, draft is enabled...eventual civil war because Bush declares himself President For Life and destroys the country.
If Obama is elected and he pulls out of Iraq like he says he will, then we may have a chance of catching Bin-Laden
If bush manages to catch Bin-Laden before the elcetion however then it most likely will go to McCain.
Obama wont end the war immediately. He will most likely pull out of Iraq gradually over a few years, taking what resources he can from the area, but leaving all of the currently planned military bases intact.
Bin Laden is living in Saudi Arabia with the rest of the royal family.
Seriously, I don't know. It will probably be more like:
1 Entire global economy plunges into a massive recession
2 Big mean countries invade little ones to exploit those countries' resources
3 World War
4 ????
5 PROFIT to the people who caused this bullshit crisis in the first place