[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutou (650)

140 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-02-15 04:34 ID:Ho3WAVXC

(´・ω・`) Junichiro Koizumi and his followers attack
      P.M. Taro Aso all at once in full cry.

       ACT Ⅱ of Yuusei Minneika Tale (The Rise and Fall 

      of Privatization of the National Postal Service
      in Japan) is now on Koizumi Theater. Yoshiro Mori
      (森 喜朗) acts now powerfully the Evil Spirit on
      Followers!! Now his very long monologue comes from
      through mouths of followes, acting as cool citizens!!

  巛ミ《llli/⌒` '" `゙゙ヾ三》巛彡ミ
  ミ巛llノ    ─    ミ》》》ミミヾ   How can you stand your
  ヾミi/  ー   '_,,,,,,  ゞ》》》彡ミ  ground against the will of
  彡/,-一ヾ ,i / _  `  ミ)))ミミ彡     all us at once - you alone?
  川| -=・= ) /-=・=--  |||))ミミ彡   
  彡) "''''"/ ゝ""''''"    ||lゞ三彡 
  |l||.i^  / ヽ      r |l(.6ノミ  
   ミ(  (ゝ-'ヽ 'ヽ      |ー'彡    
   ヾ|!  ノl  _  ヽ    〉 川ミノ    
     |  r-─一'冫)   ノ |巛ノ     
     `| '  ̄´  ノ ! _,.. '  |彡
      !,  ,  ' ノ'  i. ヽ|_
      `-┬ '^     ! / |\

      Junichiro Koizumi (小泉純一郎)

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