[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutou (650)

152 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-02-28 15:54 ID:iASr5R3N

(´・ω・`) This is in circulation in Japan that Deputy
      Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia
      David Sedney stated that America won't help
      Japan if China occupies Senkaku Ilands in Bijing.
      Is it true??? Will U.S.A leave Japan on my own???

      /::::ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)   All right.
      |::::::::::/        ヽヽ         
     .|::::::::::ヽ ........    ..... |:|     We will sell your
      |::::::::/     )  (.  .||        30-year Bonds out!! 
     i⌒ヽ;;|.  -=・=‐  .‐=・-.|          
     |.(    'ー-‐'  ヽ. ー' |            
     ヽ.      /(,、,)ヽ  |             
      |.    / ___    .|           
       ヽ    ノエェェエ>   |            
        ヽ    ー--‐   /|:\_            
        / \  ___/ /:::::::::::::       
      /::::::::|\   /  /:::::::::::::::::     
          Ichirou Ozawa

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