[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutou (650)

159 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-03-06 15:00 ID:OKAIZxIH


(´・ω・`) Nishimatu Construction had been a jar full of honey.
      Also many lawmakers of Jimintou Party had tasted the
       honey. Note thate Toshihiro Nikai (二階俊博) of
       Jimintou Party was famous follower of Ichiro Ozawa.

      |::::::::::/        ヽヽ         
     .|::::::::::ヽ ........    ..... |:|   CIA robs me of my important
      |::::::::/     )  (.  .||       supporter Kanemaru left for me !
     i⌒ヽ;;|.  -=・=‐  .‐=・-.|          
     |.(    'ー-‐'  ヽ. ー' |            
     ヽ.      /(,、,)ヽ  |             
      |.    / ___    .|           
       ヽ    ノエェェエ>   |            
        ヽ    ー--‐   /|:\_            
        / \  ___/ /:::::::::::::       
      /::::::::|\   /  /:::::::::::::::::     
          Ichirou Ozawa

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