[Japan] Confrontation between Jimintou and Minsyutou (650)

1 Name: kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2008-10-26 07:25 ID:J2vXuj1b

Change of power comes soon in Japan !
Unko's political report starts !!

204 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-12 13:12 ID:DLtxvtiw


Oh, I will go back there now!

205 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-12 16:07 ID:DLtxvtiw

(´・ω・`) Ooops! New Komeito party has added a seat than
      before the election...

206 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-13 16:55 ID:znmnDwq0

Agreeded X day of the dissolve across LDP (Jiminto Party) and New Komeito party??? (´・ω・`)???
That is only an illusion, isn't it??? We are tired of LDP's lies.

(´・ω・`) By the way, how many times have you tricked us by the dissolve, Prime Minister???

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l    Too many to recall!!!
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'    
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) We know P.M. Aso doesn't have balls well. He cannot end LDP (Jiminto Party).
     Because his grandpa is Shigeru Yoshida. We suppose media persons have wanted
     to make the atmosphere of the dissolve. We are afraid of that.

207 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-13 17:52 ID:znmnDwq0

We believe that Tsuneo Watanabe ( 渡邉恒雄 or ナベツネ ), Mikado of Yomiuri Group, is an
agent of CIA. I suppose many foreign media persons and Yomiuri Group are running about to
make new P.M. because the full term of the House of Representatives shall be terminated
by the breaking up of the LDP (Jiminto Party). We suppose U.S. doesn't like that.


(´・ω・`) We will reject every representatives of the LDP (Jiminto Party) and New Komeito
     party. We, the unemployed, have prepared seats next to us for them!

208 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-14 16:05 ID:0VNHPJdz

       ;;:::'''       ヾ、
      ;'X:           ミ
      彡 # -==、  ,==-i
     ,=ミ_____,====、 ,====i、
     i 、''ーー||ヮ°||=||ヮ°||
     '; '::::::::: """"  i,゙""",l
      ーi::i:::   ,'"`ー'゙`; _ j     
      . |:::|:::   i' ,-ュュャ'  i    Don't be stuck up, Hatoyama!
       人:::::  ゙ "" ゙̄ ._ノ     
    .....イ.ヽヽ、ニ__ ーーノ゙-、.

        CIA Nabetsune

209 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-14 16:13 ID:0VNHPJdz

,r'''´      ;;、ミ  ,)
;;::::::    彡 i'   ̄ヽ
;;::::::::   彡ノ    |       
;;:::::::::    /    ^|_     ィ'ミ,彡ミ 、
;;:::::  / ヽ | U    |_・)   ミf_、 ,_ヾ彡
i;;;;;; ,i( `.|  J   |      .ミ L、 t彡
\;;/' ヽ_ヽ     / ,>     ヽ∀ _> Don't be stuck up, Hatoyama!
 ∧ヽ、  i      >      /<V>ヽ
';;;;;;`、 \ \___」        ||   | |
;;;;;;;;;;;;\  `ーイ          (L,_O
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; \ /7           | | |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; `'`i;;l          _L」L」
;;; P.M. Aso   ;;;; i';;i           ̄  ̄

210 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-14 16:48 ID:0VNHPJdz

(`・ω・´) Enjolras lives in Hatoyama's mind!

        γ⌒´      \
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )
       .i /  \  /  i )  I'm afraid that my friends
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   shall be stuck up.
       l    (__人_).  |    
       \    `ー'   /    Our revolt has only just begun!
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )       
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ

His last declaration after the triumph of Togisen election (都議選 or the election
to chose Assembly Members of Tokyo)

211 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-14 18:16 ID:FSDYzbr8

(`・ω・´) Makoto Koga ( 古賀 誠 ) is a famous weathercock politician. He always
       runs away when it fall into hard situation. And always his animals sense
       read the future correctly. He has abandon P.M. Aso.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  That's not fair.
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   Why you make a play only for Hatoyama?
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'   
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   Here is a dime. Play my theme song too.
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    Please, Unko, play B-17! 
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) My heart will go on...

212 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-15 17:59 ID:inmW4N2D

(´・ω・`) Can your OS use Japanese language?
I beg you to know why New Koumeito party has been good at elections.

If you can copy 公明党選挙違反 and paste to Google Search Box and
click the search button, you will get the search result like follows:

公明党選挙違反 の検索結果 約 216,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.27 秒)

That means the result of AND Search using both the words
"New Koumeito party" and "the election violations".

Rumour says that if you are arrested for violation of the Public
Election Law to let New Koumeito party win, your rank in Souka Gakkai
will advance. Souka Gakkai is the owner of New Koumeito party.

New Koumeito party (Souka Gakkai) has supported the LDP (Jiminto Party)
as a vote-gathering machine. Now the LDP (Jiminto Party) has lost its
vote-gathering power...

213 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-15 18:06 ID:inmW4N2D


×: using both the words
○: using both words


215 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-16 16:29 ID:1vq3x36O

(´・ω・`) Do you know Hidenao Nakagawa (中川 秀直)?
      Do you know Barefoot Gen (はだしのゲン)?

I wonder which is more popular in Japan.
Let's compare the search results.

中川秀直 糸川 の検索結果 約 8,090 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.23 秒)
[ The result of AND Search using both words Nakagawa and Itokawa ]

中川 愛人 覚醒剤 の検索結果 約 13,100 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.33 秒)
[ The result of AND Search using "Nakagawa mistress drug" ]

はだしのゲン の検索結果 約 249,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.09 秒)
[ Search result of Barefoot Gen ]

216 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-16 17:14 ID:1vq3x36O

(`・ω・´) Hidenao Nakagawa (中川 秀直) handed the list of anti-Aso represents.
      But party officials found out that was overstated. Yosano and Ishiba
       were on the list.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  I'll grant Nakagawa's request to place him
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   in the top ten of the list of proportional
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'   representation candidates to calm the storm.
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ   Yosano and Ishiba, you'll be sorry!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

217 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-17 14:45 ID:mmwxyCq6

(´・ω・`) Can your OS use Japanese language?
I beg you to know why New Koumeito party has been good at elections.

If you can copy 公明党選挙違反 and paste to Google Search Box and
click the search button, you will get the search result like follows:

公明党選挙違反 の検索結果 約 216,000 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.27 秒)

That means the result of AND Search using both words "New Koumeito party"
and "the election violations".

Rumour says that if you are arrested for violation of the Public
Election Law to let New Koumeito party win, your rank in Souka Gakkai
will advance. Souka Gakkai is the owner of New Koumeito party.

New Koumeito party (Souka Gakkai) has supported the LDP (Jiminto Party)
as a vote-gathering machine. Now the LDP (Jiminto Party) has lost its
vote-gathering power...

218 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-17 18:51 ID:mmwxyCq6

(`・ω・´) Aso has decide to place X day of the dissolve on July 21.
      The day comes after this three days off in a row.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  I will nip the splitting in the bud!
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l  
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  One more day before the storm!
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    Yosano and Ishiba accelerate
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    death of the LDP (Jiminto Party)!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

219 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-17 18:55 ID:mmwxyCq6

>>218 ○:↓

(`・ω・´) Aso has decided to place X day of the dissolve on July 21.
      The day comes after this three days off in a row.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  I will nip the splitting in the bud!
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l  
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  One more day before the storm!
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    Yosano and Ishiba accelerate
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    death of the LDP (Jiminto Party)!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

220 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-21 16:40 ID:NEIWnRwY

(`・ω・´) Aso has dissolved the House of Representative at last.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  If Yosano kept protecting me,
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   the LDP (Jiminto Party) wouldn't die.
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    Yosano and Ishiba accelerate
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    death of the LDP (Jiminto Party)!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) Aso stares into the void...

221 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-21 16:43 ID:NEIWnRwY

(`・ω・´) Aso has dissolved the House of Representatives at last.


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  If Yosano kept protecting me,
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   the LDP (Jiminto Party) wouldn't die.
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    Yosano and Ishiba accelerate
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    death of the LDP (Jiminto Party)!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) Aso stares into the void...

222 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-21 17:23 ID:NEIWnRwY

(`・ω・´) They have escaped a sinking ship...

http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0625/TKY200906250282.html ← a bit out of fresh

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ 
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   I'm standing in my grave...
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    But I cannot run away.
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) A sect leader of the LDP (Jiminto Party), the president of the House of
      Representatives, and ex Prime Minister enter their retirement.

223 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-21 18:24 ID:NEIWnRwY

(`・ω・´) They have escaped a sinking ship...

http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0625/TKY200906250282.html ← a bit out of fresh

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ 
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   I'm standing in my grave...
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─    But I cannot run away.
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`) A sect leader of the LDP (Jiminto Party), the president of the House of
      Representatives, and Former Prime Minister enter their retirement.

224 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-23 03:07 ID:tG2wyh7q

(`・ω・´) The JDP has some coalition partners and Hatoyama has many sidekicks.

Mizuho Fukushima ( 福島 瑞穂 ) is the party leader of Syamintou party.
I like her very much. She has been reaching for the unreachable social justice.

Tamisuke Watanuki ( 綿貫 民輔 ) is the party leader of Kokumin Shintou.
He and his friends and relations fought against Junichiro Koizemi to stop
postal service privatization bravely.

225 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-29 18:25 ID:fisvfxPY

(´・ω・`) We are down in the darkness, Poppo. We cannot walk any more...

        γ⌒´      \
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )
       .i /  \  /  i )  Close your eyes and think of me
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   and soon I will be there
       l    (__人_).  |    to brighten up even your darkest nights♪
       \    `ー'   /    
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )     
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ    This is our promise with you.

(`・ω・´) We, the Japanese people, want to follow you, Poppo!

226 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-31 16:29 ID:zzQg7RQ1

(´・ω・`) The number of party members of the LDP (Jiminto Party)
      falls below one fifth of the peak number at Niigata Prefecture.
      Niigata Prefecture had ever been the Kingdom of Kakuei Tanaka.

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  Our disapproval rating is at 74.6 %.
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l  
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

227 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-31 16:34 ID:zzQg7RQ1

(´・ω・`) The number of party members of the LDP (Jiminto Party)
      falls below one fifth of the peak number at Niigata Prefecture.
      Niigata Prefecture had ever been the Kingdom of Kakuei Tanaka.

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  Our disapproval rating is at 74.6%.
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l  
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

228 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-07-31 16:52 ID:zzQg7RQ1

(`・ω・´) The Okhotsk Takebe Party is born!

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  The Okhotsk Takebe Party is born
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   within the LDP (Jiminto Party) !!
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

229 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-07 18:05 ID:CM9JjqAn

(´・ω・`) Hatoyama swears to build the safer world to Hiroshima children.

        γ⌒´      \    Listen by heart their echoes from hell. Making
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    the world safe and peace is not only my address
       .i /  \  /  i )  but my promise, my highest calling.
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  We resolved that never again shall we be visited with
       \    `ー'   /    the horrors of war through the action of government.
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  Turn my offering of origami peace cranes into evil spirits
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  and peck at my eyes. Put me into the fire when I forget that.

230 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-08 05:59 ID:zwr8MZ3M

(´・ω・`) Hatoyama swears to build the safer world to Hiroshima children.

        γ⌒´      \    Listen by heart to their echoes from hell. Making
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    the world safe and peace is not only my address
       .i /  \  /  i )  but my promise, my highest calling.
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  We resolved that never again shall we be visited with
       \    `ー'   /    the horrors of war through the action of government.
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  Turn my offering of origami peace cranes into evil spirits
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  and peck at my eyes. Put me into the fire when I forget that.

231 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-08 06:02 ID:zwr8MZ3M

(´・ω・`) Hatoyama swears to build the safer world to Hiroshima children.

        γ⌒´      \    Listen by hearts to their echoes from hell. Making
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    the world safe and peace is not only my address
       .i /  \  /  i )  but my promise, my highest calling.
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  We resolved that never again shall we be visited with
       \    `ー'   /    the horrors of war through the action of government.
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  Turn my offering of origami peace cranes into evil spirits
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  and peck at my eyes. Put me into the fire when I forget that.

232 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-10 18:04 ID:X22QYyEg

Some of them were burned off in the drastic blow.
Some of them were taken their snapshots in a moment onto the ground under the fireball.
Some of them were grilled as slow as possible.
Their last wishes were watering against themselves.

            ノ´⌒`ヽ  Say, what can I do, my shadow.
        γ⌒´      \  Onto them might raindrops fall.
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )  Remains dug many graves as fast as possible.
       .i /  \  /  i ) Whereas they became for themselves.
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/  
       l    (__人_).  |  Be careful to handle baked apples fresh from oven.
       \    `ー'   /    Their burning skins are easy to get stripped.
        `7       〈    Raw in the middle is my pain.
           / / ̄ 愛  )     
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  Then the phantom disappears away to heaven.
    ,, イΞ / ノノノノノ / ノ   Cicadas are in chorus squeezing their lives, hormonally tripped.
   イ=≡∠ ノノノノノノ/     I was standing in the invisible hard rain.


233 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-10 18:36 ID:X22QYyEg

Some of them were burned off in the drastic blow.
Some of them were taken their snapshots in a moment onto the ground under the fireball.
Some of them were grilled as slow as possible.
Their last wishes were watering against themselves.

            ノ´⌒`ヽ  Say, what can I do, my shadow.
        γ⌒´      \  Onto them might raindrops fall.
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )  Remains dug many graves as fast as possible.
       .i /  \  /  i ) Whereas they became for themselves.
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/  
       l    (__人_).  |  Be careful to handle baked apples fresh from oven.
       \    `ー'   /    Their burning skins are easy to get stripped.
        `7       〈    Raw in the middle is my pain.
           / / ̄ 愛  )     
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  Then the phantom disappears away to heaven.
    ,, イΞ / ノノノノノ / ノ   Cicadas are in chorus squeezing their lives, hormonally tripped.
   イ=≡∠ ノノノノノノ/     I am standing in the invisible hard rain.


234 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-11 16:57 ID:bbLwvcqA

(´・ω・`) Junichiro Koizumi, former Prime Minister, robbed of the right from them to succeed their
     family businesses. Tokutei Yubinkyoku(特定郵便局)has its origin in the third grade private
postal offices. Our government in the Meiji Era needed to build up delivery and collection system as
soon as possible so that ownerships of the third grade private postal offices were sold to country men.

But Junichiro Koizumi hands over his own Kanagawa 11 Constituency to Shinjiro Koizumi, the second son
of Junichiro.

235 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-11 17:02 ID:bbLwvcqA

236 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-11 17:57 ID:bbLwvcqA

(´・ω・`) Shinjiro Koizumi put through from Kanto Gakuin University in May 2004. And he got his part time
      jobs. Then he went to America to enter Columbia University. His graduation was in March 2006.
      After that he slipped into CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) as a a fellow.
       The rumor says CIA Nabetsune (>>208) gave him the post and all his jobs were making scrapbooks
       of Japanese newspapers.

237 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-11 18:27 ID:bbLwvcqA

(´・ω・`) Shinjiro Koizumi put through from Kanto Gakuin University in May 2004. And he got his part time
      jobs. Then he went to America to enter Columbia University. His graduation was in March 2006.
      After that he slipped into CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) as a fellow.
       The rumor says CIA Nabetsune (>>208) gave him the post and all his jobs were making scrapbooks
       of Japanese newspapers.

238 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-13 16:57 ID:PKl4Smt5

(´・ω・`) JDP (Minshuto Party) Candidate of Constituency Kanagawa 11 is Katsuhito Yokokume (横粂 勝仁).

We suppose Yokokume has far more brain than Sinjiro clearly. But Shinjiro has got the ancestral territory and
support groups of Koizumi Family. Shinjiro will win his seat.

239 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-13 17:02 ID:PKl4Smt5

(´・ω・`) JDP (Minshuto Party) Candidate of Constituency Kanagawa 11 is Katsuhito Yokokume (横粂 勝仁).

We suppose Yokokume has far more brain than Shinjiro clearly. But Shinjiro has got the ancestral territory
and support groups of Koizumi Family. Shinjiro will win his seat.

240 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-13 17:13 ID:PKl4Smt5

(´・ω・`) We see the following post on 2ch very often:


241 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-14 17:51 ID:ebyikKLP

(´・ω・`) My translation is this:

Son of track driver, that is Yokokume■Son of former P.M., that is Shinjiro
  Man of ability, that is Yokokume■Man of connections, that is Shinjiro
All-work-no-play person, that is Yokokume■All-play-no-work person, that is Shinjiro
A graduate of Tokyo University, that is Yokokume■
           A repeater of Kanto Gakuin University, that is Shinjiro
Passed the national bar exam on his first attempt, that is Yokokume■
           Failed to graduate on his first attempt, that is Shinjiro
      Person of law, that is Yokokume■Person of former NEET, that is Shinjiro
One of the public, that is Yokokume■One of the pseudo hereditary peers, that is Shinjiro
Up and down with his small political fund, that is Yokokume■
      Up on a cloud with succession of enormous political fund, that is Shinjiro
Saving the Japanese is my calling, that is Yokokume■
      Saving stakeholders is your duty, hey, listen!, Shinjiro!
  He has big pictures, that is Yokokume■He has nothing, that is Shinjiro
Reach out to Shinjiro to greet, that is Yokokume■Ignore that, that is Shinjiro
Acceptable to all at forefront, that is Yokokume■Out of your plan, that is Shinjiro

242 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-15 19:14 ID:6rA6LJ/Q

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. The first half of Aso's speech with my
      translation follows:


With special attendance of the Emperor and Empress, bereaved families and representatives
of every sector of society come together here, I now declare memorial service for the war dead


In the Second World War, over 3 million people passed away in order to protect the State
while themselves pinned on their family. Enemy troops killed many of them at battle fields,
havoc of war killed some of them, or else on their way to homeland from ex-overseas colonies
demon killed them. And Imperial Japan invaded and abused many countries, especially asian
countries. On behalf of the Japanese, with profound regrets, I sincerely express condolences
for all the victims of the war.    (´・ω・`)Continues

243 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-15 19:18 ID:6rA6LJ/Q

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. The first half of Aso's speech with my
      translation follows:


With special attendance of the Emperor and Empress, bereaved families and representatives
of every sector of society come together here, I now declare memorial service for the war dead


In the Second World War, over 3 million people passed away in order to protect the State
while themselves pinned on their families. Enemy troops killed many of them at battle fields,
havoc of war killed some of them, or else on their way to homeland from ex-overseas colonies
demon killed them. And Imperial Japan invaded and abused many countries, especially asian
countries. On behalf of the Japanese, with profound regrets, I sincerely express condolences
for all the victims of the war.    (´・ω・`)Continues

244 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-16 18:51 ID:pfmn9uOv


 On our 64-year journey we have passed through flower fields on each side of our path
again and again because of our making full efforts and shells of spirits.


 And you must be aware that our friendship with other countries is the basis of our
stability. We had better look back and face what we did humbly, accept our mistakes,
and hand over the failure story to the younger generations.


Today, here, we, the Japanese people, reconfirm that we have pledge of peace-loving;
and that we will contribute ourselves to make the world peace with all our resources
actively. We will have hunted peace for all time as same as 64 years ago with our
full efforts.


With prayer for the souls of war victims and the health of bereaved families, I complete
my speech.

245 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 06:54 ID:3Pz/cxCb


 On our 64-year journey we have passed through flower fields on each side of our path
again and again because of our making full efforts and shells formed by victim souls.


 And you must be aware that our friendship with other countries is the basis of our
stability. We had better look back and face what we did humbly, accept our mistakes,
and hand over the failure story to the younger generations.


Today, here, we, the Japanese people, reconfirm that we have pledge of peace-loving;
and that we will contribute ourselves to make the world peace with all our resources
actively. We will have hunted peace for all time as same as 64 years ago with our
full efforts.


With prayer for the souls of war victims and the health of bereaved families, I complete
my speech.

246 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 07:00 ID:3Pz/cxCb


 On our 64-year journey we have passed through flower fields on each side of our path
again and again because of our making full efforts and shells formed by victim souls.


 And you must be aware that our friendship with other countries is the basis of our
stability. We had better look back and face what we did humbly, accept our mistakes,
and hand over the failure story to the younger generations.


Today, here, we, the Japanese people, reconfirm that we have a pledge of peace-loving;
and that we will contribute ourselves to make the world peace with all our resources
actively. We will have hunted peace for all time as same as 64 years ago with our
full efforts.


With prayer for the souls of war victims and the health of bereaved families, I complete
my speech.

247 Name: Citizen : 2009-08-17 08:13 ID:Uff4OIVz

cool story kyumukun

248 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 14:53 ID:IyMatXNY


(´・ω・`) What does that mean... kyumukun?

249 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 15:49 ID:IyMatXNY

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. P.M. Taro Aso's speech at the 64th Memorial
      Service for the War Dead in my translation follows:

 With special attendance of the Emperor and Empress, bereaved families and representatives
of every sector of society come together here, I now declare memorial service for the war dead
 In the Second World War, over 3 million people passed away in order to protect the State
while themselves pinned on their families. Enemy troops killed many of them at battle fields,
havoc of war killed some of them, or else on their way to homeland from ex-overseas colonies
demon killed them. And Imperial Japan invaded and abused many countries, especially asian
countries. On behalf of the Japanese, with profound regrets, I sincerely express condolences
for all the victims of the war.
 On our 64-year journey we have passed through flower fields on each side of our path
again and again because of our making full efforts and shells formed by victim souls.
 And you must be aware that our friendship with other countries is the basis of our
stability. We had better look back and face what we did humbly, accept our mistakes,
and hand over the failure story to the younger generations.
 Today, here, we, the Japanese people, reconfirm that we have a pledge of peace-loving;
and that we will contribute ourselves to make the world peace with all our resources
actively. We will have hunted peace for all time as same as 64 years ago with our
full efforts.
 With prayer for the souls of war victims and the health of bereaved families, I complete
my speech. [ Translator: Kyoumo Unko ]

250 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 17:18 ID:IyMatXNY

We can't understand what you are saying.
We don't have to give Makegumi Losers (Temps and Jobless)
health insurance cards.

If they are in sick, let them drink their own pee.
That is so improve their immunity that they get back to health!

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    /:::::;;;ソ         ヾ;〉
    〈;;;;;;;;;l  ___ __i|
   /⌒ヽリ─| -・=-H -・=-|!
   | (     `ー─' |ー─'|
   ヽ,,  ヽ   . ,、__)   ノ!   国液、ドピュッ アルヨ!
      |      ノ   ヽ  |
      ∧     ー‐=‐-  ./     改革を止めるな~ アルヨ!!w
    /\ヽ         / 从从
  / \ ヽ\ ヽ____,ノヽ   ビシッ
悪魔超人          ノ ~.レ-r┐
 田碩(でんせき; Den Seki) ノ__ | .| ト、
Evil Spirit Den Seki

251 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-17 17:34 ID:IyMatXNY

We can't understand what you are saying.
We don't have to give Makegumi Losers (Temps and Joblesses)
health insurance cards.

If they are in sick, let them drink their own pee.
That is so improve their immunity that they get back to health!

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    /:::::;;;ソ 経糞連   ヾ;〉
    〈;;;;;;;;;l  ___ __i|
   /⌒ヽリ─| -・=-H -・=-|!
   | (     `ー─' |ー─'|
   ヽ,,  ヽ   . ,、__)   ノ!   国液、ドピュッ アルヨ!
      |      ノ   ヽ  |
      ∧     ー‐=‐-  ./     改革を止めるな~ アルヨ!!w
    /\ヽ         / 从从
  / \ ヽ\ ヽ____,ノヽ   ビシッ
悪魔超人          ノ ~.レ-r┐
 田碩(でんせき; Den Seki) ノ__ | .| ト、
Evil Spirit Den Seki

252 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-19 19:17 ID:man/BRMl

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. Akihito Tenno's speech at the 64th Memorial
      Service for the War Dead in my translation follows:

 Today, I cannot help facing my heart full of fresh sadness in front of many you who had been taken away
one and only ones in the war on the 64th Memorial Service for the War Dead at the Memorial Day for Peace.
 Even after 64 years, I cannot forget your hard work to build peace and prosperity existent, my thoughts
fly apart when I think of your hard days.
 We look back through our history, promise ourselves never to refresh war; I pray with my nation for
all the victims of the war and your happiness in the peace world. [ Translator: Kyoumo Unko ]

253 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-19 19:24 ID:man/BRMl

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. Akihito Tenno's speech at the 64th Memorial
      Service for the War Dead in my translation follows:

 Today, I cannot help facing my heart full of fresh sadness in front of many you who had been taken away
one and only ones in the war on the 64th Memorial Service for the War Dead at the Memorial Day for Peace.
 Even after 64 years, I cannot forget your hard work to build peace and prosperity existent, my thoughts
fly apart when I think of your hard days.
 We look back through our history and promise ourselves never to refresh war; I pray with my nation for
all the victims of the war and happiness of my nation in the peace world. [ Translator: Kyoumo Unko ]

254 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-19 19:35 ID:man/BRMl

(´・ω・`) August 15 is war-end anniversary. Akihito Tenno's speech at the 64th Memorial
      Service for the War Dead in my translation follows:

 Today, I cannot help facing my heart full of fresh sadness in front of many you who had been taken away
one and only ones in the war on the 64th Memorial Service for the War Dead at the Memorial Day for Peace.
 Even after 64 years, I cannot forget your hard work to build peace and prosperity existent, my thoughts
fly apart when I think of your hard days.
 We look back through our history and promise ourselves never to refresh war; I pray with my nation for
all the victims of the war and the health and happiness of my nation in the peace world.
[ Translator: Kyoumo Unko ]

255 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-20 18:34 ID:RwN0Mx7B

(`・ω・´) Guess what we are angry at, Mr President.

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  One of the JDP (Minshuto Party) member
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   made their patched party flag by cut and
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'   paste the Japanese flag!
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    That is the greatest help for the LDP (Jiminto Party) !!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`)つ http://news.goo.ne.jp/article/yomiuri/politics/20090820-567-OYT1T01181.html
(´・ω・`)つ http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/election/090820/elc0908202219025-n1.htm
(´・ω・`)つ http://www.jiji.com/jc/election?g=2009syuin&l=senkyoku_46_04

256 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-20 18:38 ID:RwN0Mx7B

(`・ω・´) Guess what we are angry at, Mr President.

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  One of the JDP (Minshuto Party) members
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   made their patched party flag by cut and
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'   paste the Japanese flag!
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    That is the greatest help for the LDP (Jiminto Party) !!
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`)つ http://news.goo.ne.jp/article/yomiuri/politics/20090820-567-OYT1T01181.html
(´・ω・`)つ http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/election/090820/elc0908202219025-n1.htm
(´・ω・`)つ http://www.jiji.com/jc/election?g=2009syuin&l=senkyoku_46_04

257 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-21 17:54 ID:YpOVfe2B

(`・ω・´) One tenth of LDP (Jiminto Party) candidates are successors of their family political businesses!
       They don't know even the price range for pot noodles and Hamburgers!

     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ  Many of pot noodles are around
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l   4 dollars each, aren't they?
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

(´・ω・`)つ http://www.thefilter.com/WebVideo/9706108-400

258 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-23 16:47 ID:TF3z7BRE

(`・ω・´) Former P.M. Yoshiro Mori (森喜朗; 森元首相) threw Japanese green tea from pet bottle
       onto a pressperson of the Asahi Newspaper!


259 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-23 17:07 ID:TF3z7BRE

(`・ω・´) Over one third of the represents of LDP (Jiminto Party) are successors of their
       family political businesses!


260 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-23 17:43 ID:TF3z7BRE

(`・ω・´) Former P.M. Yoshiro Mori (森喜朗; 森元首相) and his relations insult their
       opposing candidate Emiko Tanaka. Mori side states she was a temporary staff
       so that she isn't suitable for a representative, is she?


261 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-23 19:11 ID:TF3z7BRE

(`・ω・´) Many of the JDP (Minshuto Party) Candidates feel easy as if they have safe seats.
       Some of their followers run about to get their cabinet posts.
       I suppose Makiko Tanaka is too stupid to blind with her post.


        γ⌒´      \  
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )  Stay sharp!
       .i /  \  /  i ) 
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/  Our enemies are in our minds!
       l    (__人_).  |  
       \    `ー'   /    


262 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-24 19:01 ID:kc8R0I93

(´・ω・`) Yuko Obuchi, a Minister of Sex (Minister for More Children and Gender
       Equality), has two immortal record in political history of Japan. First,
        the youngest Minister when she appointed (Immortal). Secondly, she is
        the only one who has become a pregnant mother after the appointment of
         the Minister (Evergreen). Anyhow mate! I suppose she got pregnant
         in December 2008! She is a daughter of Keizo Obuchi (former P.M.).




263 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-24 19:34 ID:kc8R0I93

(´・ω・`) In December 2008, there was a camp for fired temporary workers to overyears
      at the Hibiya Park. This is so called Toshikoshi Haken Mura (年越し派遣村).
       Yoichi Masuzoe, the Minister of Health insulted them as slugs at Yokohama
        in public last week.


264 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-24 19:38 ID:kc8R0I93

(´・ω・`) In December 2008, there was a camp for fired temporary workers to overyears
      at the Hibiya Park. This is so called Toshikoshi Haken Mura (年越し派遣村).
       Yoichi Masuzoe (舛添要一 or ますぞえ要一), the Minister of Health, insulted
        them as slugs at Yokohama in public last week.



265 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-24 19:59 ID:kc8R0I93

(´・ω・`) Yuko Obuchi, a Minister of Sex (Minister for More Children and Gender
       Equality), has two immortal record in political history of Japan.
       The first is she is the youngest Minister when she appointed (Immortal).
        The second is she is the only one who has become a pregnant mother
        after the appointment of the Minister (Evergreen).
      Anyhow mate! I suppose she got pregnant in December 2008!
       She is a daughter of Keizo Obuchi (former P.M.).




266 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-24 20:04 ID:kc8R0I93

(´・ω・`) Yuko Obuchi, a Minister of Sex (Minister for More Children and Gender
       Equality), has two immortal records in political history of Japan.
       The first is she is the youngest Minister when she appointed (Immortal).
        The second is she is the only one who has become a pregnant mother
        after the appointment of the Minister (Evergreen).
      Anyhow mate! I suppose she got pregnant in December 2008!
       She is a daughter of Keizo Obuchi (former P.M.).




267 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-25 18:33 ID:n+daYhI8

(`・ω・´) Early voting reaches over 3 million votes only in 5 days.
       This number equals to 1.5 times early votes in the 2005 election for
       the House of Representatives (when Koizumi wins).


268 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-25 18:59 ID:n+daYhI8

(`・ω・´) Now the wheel has turned around. When Shinjiro addressed in front of
       the Yokosuka Station, somebody threw a pet bottle against him!


269 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-28 17:11 ID:ciVFuKJf

(´・ω・`) Heizo Takenaka, a former Minister of Economic Policy and Financial Affairs,
      promotes to the mock company chairman of Pasona Inc., a major temporary staff
       agency. I suppose he was an agent of Jewish finance capitalists and a protector
       of temp staffing agencies.


270 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-28 17:31 ID:ciVFuKJf

(´・ω・`) They say Heizo Takenaka stole papers. I don't know whether the rumor is correct
      or not. But I know he is a liar. We have seen he says lying on TV programs.



271 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 18:13 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Hokkaido 5):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Little Machimura will be rejected.

272 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 18:19 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Gunma 4):

(´・ω・`) I suppose former P.M. Fukuda will win by a head.

273 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 18:35 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Tokyo 1):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Yosano will be rejected by one horse.
      Kaieda will win. We love Matayoshi.

274 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 18:55 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Tokyo 12):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Ota will be win with Soka Gakkai by one horse.

275 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:26 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Ishikawa 2):

(´・ω・`) I suppose former P.M. Mori will be win by a nose.
      By the way Shizuka Kamei, counted as next party leader of
       People's New Party (Kokumin Shinto), says Takenaka's crime
       must not be forgiven. If Mori will be rejected, his son and
        Takenaka are in jail. The rumor says a son of Mori has attended
        drug parties.

276 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:33 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Osaka 16):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Kitagawa will be win with Soka Gakkai by one horse.

277 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:38 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Hyougo 8):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Fuyushiba will be win with Soka Gakkai by one horse.

278 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:48 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Wakayama 3):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Pinocchio Nikai will be rejected by many noses.

279 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:55 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Hiroshima 4):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Turdhead Nakagawa will be rejected by many horses.

280 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 19:59 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Yamaguchi 4):

(´・ω・`) I suppose former P.M. Abe will win by a nose.

281 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 20:05 ID:VvBYrla2

Stormy voting districts in the hottest battle (Constituency Fukuoka 2):

(´・ω・`) I suppose Peedrinker Yamazaki will be rejected by many horses.

282 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-29 20:12 ID:VvBYrla2

283 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 15:48 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】(Constituency Tokyo 12)

(`・ω・´)  Ota, the party leader of the New Komeito, gets be rejected!
       His name was not placed in the list of proportional representation candidates.
        So Ota has no his seat!


284 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 16:08 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】(Constituency Osaka 16)

(`・ω・´)  Kitagawa, the secretary-general of the New Komeito, gets be rejected!
       But his name is in the list of proportional representation candidates.
        He will be passed with Souka Power!


Why ??? This page is not updated! Is this Souka Power ???

285 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 16:24 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】(Constituency Osaka 16)

(`・ω・´)  Kitagawa, the secretary-general of the New Komeito, a former the Minister of Land,
       Infrastructure and Transport, gets be rejected!
       But his name is in the list of proportional representation candidates.
        He will be passed with Souka Power!


Why ??? This page is not updated! Is this Souka Power ???

286 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 16:30 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】(Constituency Hyougo 8)

(`・ω・´)  Fuyushiba, a former secretary-general of the New Komeito, a former Minister of Land,
       Infrastructure and Transport, gets be rejected!
       But his name is in the list of proportional representation candidates.
        He will be passed with Souka Power!


287 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 16:53 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】

(`・ω・´)  The New Komeito party had 8 candidates in the single-seat districts.
       And we have wiped them out.

288 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 16:55 ID:ltT0Rsk2


×: gets be rejected
○: gets rejected

289 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 17:03 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】

The JDP (Minshuto Party) gets over 308 seats now. We suppose the number grows a little more.


        γ⌒´      \    
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    Soon comes the light!
       .i /  \  /  i )  
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  
       \    `ー'   /    
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  

290 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 18:12 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】

The JDP (Minshuto Party) gets exceed the absolute stable majority. But it goes to form
a ruling coalition with the Social Democratic Party (Syamintou party) and the People's
New Party (Kokumin Shinto).


        γ⌒´      \    
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    If I break my promise to Fukushima and Watanuki,
       .i /  \  /  i )   a Japanese national shall look down on me!
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  
       \    `ー'   /    
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  

291 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 18:22 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】


        γ⌒´      \    
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )   
       .i /  \  /  i )  
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   
       l    (__人_).  |  
       \    `ー'   /    
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  

292 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 18:25 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】


     lミ{   ニ == 二   lミ| 
.     {ミ| , =、、 ,.=-、 ljハ 
     {t! ィ・=  r・=,  !3l  
      `!、 , イ_ _ヘ    l‐'  
       Y { r=、__ ` j ハ─   
  r‐、 /)へ、`ニニ´ .イ /ヽ    
  } i/ //) `ー‐´‐rく  |ヽ 
  l / / /〉、_\_ト、」ヽ!
  /|   ' /)   | \ | \

293 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 18:37 ID:ltT0Rsk2

【【【 Breaking News 】】】

(´・ω・`) Yuko Obuchi has passed by a big margin.

(´・ω・`) Shinjiro Koizumi has passed by a big margin.

294 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-30 18:57 ID:ltT0Rsk2

        γ⌒´      \    
       .// ""´ ⌒\  )    As I stare into the void
       .i /  \  /  i )   of a world that cannot hold,
        i   (・ )` ´( ・) i,/   I walk up stairs.
       l    (__人_).  |  
       \    `ー'   /    
        `7       〈    
           / / ̄ 愛  )  
       / /ノノノノノ ) ノ  


295 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-31 17:46 ID:lOHrRkVx

(`・ω・´)  Nine tenth of Koizumi Children has wiped out! But Shinjiro
       (Koizumi's son) has passed! Tetsuzo Fuyushiba, the New Komeito
        party, finish his political career!


296 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-31 17:49 ID:lOHrRkVx

×: finish his political career!
○: finishes his political career!

297 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-08-31 19:15 ID:lOHrRkVx

(`・ω・´)  I like Miyuki-san. She was an actress of the Takarazuka Revue Company.

(`・ω・´)  Hatoyama has updated the record of votes obtained with 0.2 million votes.

298 Name: Citizen : 2009-09-01 04:05 ID:TgCqrsSS

Mr.HATOYAMA is crazy!
Mr.HATOYAMA is crazy!

299 Name: Citizen : 2009-09-01 04:10 ID:TgCqrsSS

Mr. Hatoyama said that "Japan was not a thing only for Japanese".

Though Japan is not a country of the emigrants!

Mr. Hatoyama is going to accept foreign franchise.
Because it is not reported on TV, as for it, many nations do not know it.

300 Name: Citizen : 2009-09-01 04:29 ID:TgCqrsSS

                    、、  ,,
         _        r エェ ヾ        
     /´ ̄  `ノj 、   /´  ̄  `ノj
    / / ´ ̄⌒〈   }   ( l_/l_l_|^|_Ll_l...ハ_)
     i /  ⌒  ⌒ `ヽl    i / ―    ―ヽl    
     !゙  (・ )` ´( ・)      !゙ 〈●〉 ` ´ 〈●〉i!
     |   (__人)  |    |   (__人)  |  
  、彡\   `ー'  /ミッ  \   `ー'  /    
     /   ▼   ヽ     / \\//ヽ
                   l   Y' /   |

301 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-09-01 18:52 ID:f2lssdpo

Ooops! It is too late! There is nothing! That has deleted!

Many persons and companies from overseas have their real
estate in Japan and have stocks of Japanese companies.
Not only a Japanese national but foreigners have some
interests on Japan. I can understand they also have human
rights except for my stalkers at Gyoutoku in Chiba Prefecture.

But I know there are many Japanese jobless workers.
We, including me, shares short temporary works in turns
among over 20 million temporary workers. We cannot welcome
new comers now and Hatoyama also knows that.

So what I could do for foreign workers was to post my opinion
that the national government should bear their air tickets home
and relative costs to 2ch. I did that! (`・ω・´)

302 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-09-01 19:46 ID:f2lssdpo

(`・ω・´)  Jyunya Yano (矢野 絢也), the 4th party leader of Komeito party,
       was robbed his notebooks by three of former members of the House
        of Councillors. The Weekly Gendai (週刊現代) took this crime and
        the three, former members of the New Koumeito, bring a libel
         action against Yano and the publisher (Kodansha/講談社).

Yano and Kodansha win the court fight at the Supreme Court level today!


303 Name: Kyoumo Unko!bKaGbR8Ka. : 2009-09-02 06:54 ID:OWRzftus


×: took this crime and
○: took this crime up and

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