A communist dilemma (7)

1 Name: Citizen : 2010-09-04 14:20 ID:bjh0Itb1

Two boys in a true communist country want a particular pretty blanket that can't be gotten anywhere else. Since the blanket belongs to both of them and everyone else, they quarrel, snatching it back from one another angrily and soon coming to blows. How is this dilemma resolved within the communist system?

2 Name: Citizen : 2010-09-13 16:18 ID:/7gAn6vA

In Communism, everyone is supposed to share the means of productions. They are not supposed to share everything. That means that the loom is available for the boys to make another particular pretty blanket.

3 Name: Citizen : 2010-09-29 07:32 ID:lhcrjNcj

I dunno, how is this dilemma resolved within the capitalist system?

4 Name: sage : 2010-10-03 05:31 ID:3xdPhUtv


5 Name: Citizen : 2010-10-19 13:05 ID:DVrHxQWl

Get job. Save money. Buy blanket online. Simple.

6 Name: sheltem : 2010-11-02 15:59 ID:GtxPYjZA

Dear United States Peaples.
I am a blogger in Japan.
I am examining the plot and the political organization.

I deeply trust President Obama's intellect and behavior
though I must be originally a supporter of the Republican Party.

I am not American citizen, and
there is no right to participate in politics.

However, I want to say to you.
I want you to hear his policy more.

The many people in a country lost work too much.

As for your deserting President Obama, a lot of American citizens will be deserted by the enterprise.

The wonderful president and you in the wonderful United States
must have god's divine protection.

7 Name: Citizen : 2011-07-28 10:59 ID:Heaven

Get job. Work for extremely low wages. End up buying blanket on credit. End up paying 3 times as much as the blanket is worth in interest alone. Blanket is repossesed. Job is outsourced to China. Get an even lower-paying job. Never able to afford a blanket, ever. Keep dreaming and chanting that you're free. SIMPLE.

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