why doesn't America stop the war? (7)

1 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-05 08:19 ID:elUJ5TSU

more than 10,000,000 civilian killed by America during the last fifty years. American government killed people for money. and the money used for American people. a lot of people were killed by America for the living of American people, although they never killed american people.
what do you think about it?

2 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-07 02:26 ID:S4LD0O4X

10 MILLION civilians? Do you have some basic facts??
Even then: what if a Communist government ruled the world instead? Then there would be 100 millions dead, not just ten or twenty here. The USA's main target throughout the years has been Communism, a philosophy that has called for a violent citizen revolution. I understand that the USA is bloody in its work, but there isn't much of an alternative.

3 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-07 06:56 ID:elUJ5TSU

American believe without a doubt that democracy is the only justice and reject the other doctrines. Why do American consider Communism as an evil doctrine?
Why did you attack Iraq? Because of the unknown dangerous weapons? America just wanted the oil deposits.

Communism is violent?
that's true.
but the most violent country is America.

Indian, Viet Nam, Korea, Somalia, Haiti,,,,etc

4 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-14 21:26 ID:rV+Wgmte

Death of citizens has never worried the power elite. There is an economic incentive, there is a geopolitical incentive t, and they're mired in something they can't back out of without losing prestige

5 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-18 07:20 ID:O8DA/cTR

Simple, if America committed itself to peace, then a lot of industries and corporations would lose a lot of money. War is good business, and it will continue to be good business for a long time.


One of the biggest myths from both its admirers and opponents is that that America is "democratic". It isn't democratic. Its founders despised democracy. In fact, back when America was founded, you didn't just have to be 21 to vote, you had to be rich white landowner to vote. It is oligarchy that is as American as apple pie, racist cops & tomahawk missiles.

6 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-26 07:11 ID:elUJ5TSU


oh,i cant believe.
So some countries would be attacked by America when American economics bogs down?
The responsibility of American economics problems lies with America, right?

7 Name: Citizen : 2011-12-28 06:02 ID:uSVBbeGF

A pretty simplistic analysis, but I suppose. 9/11 presented a window of opportunity to project national power, and the Bush administration took full advantage of this. Corporate lobbying did not cause 9/11, nor did it turn Afghanistan and Iraq into gigantic quagmires, it merely means corporate interests are making a killing in military expenditures and America has greater sway over the economic interests of these countries. Corporate and State interests coincide in reaping the benefits of imperialism.

you can't exactly blame the elite for working towards its own best interest. Relatively speaking, democratic hegemony has been less bloody than a totalitarian one

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