Images! Art! (53)

1 Name: Squeeks!!zhpxfNLQ 2004-11-17 14:23 ID:BHRNMUMw [Del]

Since the boards are all text and no image, I was thinking about a logo on the front page, or just a random image rotator. But the general idea of having some sort of images here.

So here is where /b/ tards, oekaki drawers and the likes can help me out. I'll set you up a small imageboard where you can post some images that you would like to see on the front page. Think of this as almost the /idc/ version for here. The work you will submit will be shown on the front page, just remember that.

There is a couple of image restrictions: JPEG, PNG or GIF, and no bigger than 450x450.

47 Name: Anonymous 2005-08-22 20:52 ID:Ia1twHJf

hey, why not have som pot or something like 2channel does, huh?

48 Name: Anonymous 2005-08-22 22:31 ID:Heaven

Some pot?

49 Name: Anonymous 2005-08-23 05:03 ID:Heaven

2channel has a pot on the front page. I'm not sure why.

50 Name: Anonymous 2005-08-23 07:38 ID:Heaven

Yeah, I know that. It still sounds like a weird suggestion. But hey, respectful references are always cool so I might just make "some pot"! ( ´∀`)

51 Name: Anonymous 2005-09-30 19:55 ID:Heaven


52 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2007-01-10 08:21 ID:Heaven

yeah, lets steal some more and become more unoriginal ^__^

53 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2007-11-11 20:58 ID:babdVZrK

I am new here and I think images would help with creativity.If you are an artist you can post you art.If you are making something you can post pictures for instructions if you do electronics you can post schematics.
I really think the internet is a perfect platform for "community egineering" and this aspect is completely ignored by most sites.

Your forum is perfect to use for this purpose because every idea stands on it's own merrit.

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