4-ch spanish board... (15)

2 Name: Squeeks!!zhpxfNLQ 2004-11-25 14:49 ID:sPDDa6uA [Del]

Firstly, I did say that I wont be adding more boards until we get a lot more users and more posts on the existing boards. That aside, there is another reason as to why a "Spanish" board wouldn't last long.

The *chan community, be that imageboard or discussion board started off in Japan. Hence why I have a Japanese board here, as it is some sort of attempt to create a link to 2ch, the largest set of boards that I know of. The *chan community has always been Japanese oreintated somewhat, and the English versions (4chan, idlechan, us) have also got that with anime and manga boards. A Spanish board would no go down well in the *chan community I see, simply because of our way of being so damn interested in the Japanese more than the Spanish/Central or South American cultures.

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