Board requests (61)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 04/12/30(Thu)16:42 ID:zJ/jQJf1 [Del]

I don't know if Squeeks feels like adding any boards yet, but just to catalog what people want for when he gets around to it, here's a thread for discussion what boards you'd like to see. I'll start off with some requests for topics dear to my hear:

  • A programming board. Obviously something I enjoy. If Squeeks doesn't want to take this up, though, I might create my own at some point.
  • A science board of some sort. Actually, in the name of inclusiveness, maybe it should be a board for all of academia. This may not appeal to you snotty-nosed teenagers, but I'm sure some people would like it.

51 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-28 18:02 ID:XA30NUUo

I know this might sound kind of strange... but how about a sports board?

Not that I would actually use it... but maybe someone would... I dunno.

52 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-29 01:48 ID:b6WTZ46B

I think we should wait to see if anyone suggests it who will actually use it. The present 4-ch demographics may not include many sports players or enthusiasts. I'm not saying it definitely doesn't, but let's wait and see if any of them show up, eh?

In contrast, I (>>49-50) for one would use a math board, so here is already circumstantial evidence of the idea's worth.

53 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-29 04:16 ID:VpMCGSa4

Considering the activity in the iichan sports image board I don't think a discussion board would get much use.

54 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-29 07:05 ID:HpY6dVHQ

hey i didn't think a food board would get any posts either, but it's pretty active. discussion seems to come more easily then pics. (also note how our news section is somewhat more active then iichan's)

55 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-29 16:19 ID:VpMCGSa4

If you really would use a math board, a good start would be to start posting about math-related subjects in the science or general boards.

56 Name: Anonymous 2005-12-30 21:10 ID:b6WTZ46B

Eh, it would seem kinda off in either place, I think.

57 Name: Jay 2005-12-31 01:05 ID:ex1F2lFA

The Science board should be fine: the whole point of the board was to fill in not only for science related topics, but also maths and any other academic topics.

58 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-01 16:58 ID:b6WTZ46B

In that case, I request an Academic board for general academic talk, so that the Science board can stay free for science. If you'll notice, the actual usage pattern for that board doesn't reflect your counterintuitive notion that it be an academic catch-all...

59 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-28 02:24 ID:Heaven

How about an offline meetings board like 2ch seems to have? I've seen a few posts claiming to be from my area (around Washington, DC). And a bunch of people are from Norway, so maybe they could get together sometime. It would be cool to meet fellow 4-chers.

60 Name: Anonymous 2006-02-09 04:20 ID:Heaven

Only if we all wear burqas

61 Name: Anonymous 2006-02-10 22:07 ID:Heaven

damned crossdressers!

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