Not well-formed? (9)

1 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-15 13:10 ID:Heaven

> XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
> Location:
> Line Number 8, Column 738:

2 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-03-15 14:44 ID:Heaven

/net/ had its forced XHTML disabled. Problem fixed.

3 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-15 15:58 ID:Heaven


> XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location:
> Line Number 2, Column 3:

4 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-03-16 07:06 ID:Heaven

Really. This is a bit of a joke. I had a good yell about how bullshit using forces XHTML/XML on the boards would be. I'm gonna turn that shit off EVERY BOARD.

5 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-03-16 12:27 ID:EF6JlHUi

Actually, this seems to be a bug. The <!DOCTYPE headers is included twice when you use l50. I'll fix that as soon as I get home.

6 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-03-16 12:31 ID:EF6JlHUi

Actually, this happens on any thread if you do /lN when there are N-1 replies. That thread has 49 replies, thus l50 breaks.

This is the reason application/xhtml+xml is a good thing: It makes bugs much more visible and thus they get fixed.

7 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-03-16 15:29 ID:EF6JlHUi

8 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-24 04:23 ID:DhNgZawZ

I got this:

AND when I tried to post it here I got "SPAMMERS ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!"


9 Name: Anonymous 2005-03-25 02:24 ID:Heaven

I think the "&gt;" bit is triggering the spammer warning.

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