If I want to look at a bunch of random, unrelated images, I go to some Livejournal Image Harvester like http://www.portalofevil.com/lj.php
Pictures that appear on the entry page should at least somehow be related to 4-ch and/or have the website's name in it.
I've been pretty lazy about that I suppose.
All the shit ones people posted have been removed. I really should set some decent rules for it, and enforce them. Thanks Anonymous.
> and/or have the website's name in it.
The website's name is listed right above the image anyway.
That still doesn't justify a random picture of a beer can or whatever. I also don't approve of Squeeks' own photos on there, but I guess it's his website and he can do whatever he damn well pleases.
No I'm just too lazy to remove images that arent on the board, but are in the folder. I can do whatever I like, sure, but what I do affects the users of this site. It's your site as well in most respects, and so far I dont want to fuck it up for you lot. If people think that me having my pics that I took shouldn't be exempt from the rules, hey thats cool, i'll remove them.
I like the photos on the front page. They may be off-topic, but they don't present the whole community as socially inept DQN like some of the on-topic images.