How to be a moderator 101 (15)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2006-06-02 15:46 ID:6Yol42Lw

It has come to everyones attension that 4-ch has gotten new moderators, and

It's OK to be new, it's OK to experiment - but only thus far. However, let me break it to you: If you're a mod, I don't like you.

And Yes, the last two threads I pointed to just mysterously dissapeared.

You see, we are in a love/hate relationship. We don't want mods to have to exist, but we sometimes don't want to be without you.

So here is what I think:

  • Unless it's automated spam AND
  • unless it's a human spammer knowing he's unwanted (or ignores us), you do nothing.
  • If you have good common sence, and the post is in no way appropriate, you may perhaps delete it. But no misteriously dissapearing threads or posts.

And please don't sign your doings. "Haha - got that spammer. Do not want spam", you forget, you shouldn't exist.

Yes, you heard right. Moderation is a shitty work, with no credit or attribution. That's why I don't want to be a MODD#withtripcode

But what about the irrevelevant tanasinn posts you ask. Should it not be deleted? Or at least permasaged?. We, the users, have the power to sage. We make sure shitty threads and shitty posts die for you, so leave them alone please.

For the tl;dr Rule of thumb: Unless we whine about it, you do nothing.

Oh and old mods, you don't have to listen to non of what I sayd. You did a great job. Thank you!

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