A few board ideas for anyone who is interested. (6)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2007-08-29 00:58 ID:r45iVRpA

Paranormal- These seem to be actually pretty cool, and I think we could use one for some interesting discussion.

Health- Basically, anything for exercising, medicine, if you are sick, etc. For people who need help in any area.

Work- For people to discuss their job, share stories about their job, get help on applications, and anything else that pertains to the subject.

School- To compromise for the work board. Homework help, stories, rants about teachers, basically a vent for those 4-ch'ers still in training.

BEMANI- Just because I want it, no other real reason.

These are just some of my suggestions. I'm kind of hoping that more boards will attract a larger crowd. Also, is the Tech Support board for support only now, or is it for Tech and Support?


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