Fusion is here! Currently JET can generate as much power as it needs run, in a few decades scientists say that they will reach an efficency of 130% or more.
I haven read it all but they're using Deuterium (D) and Tritium (T) to fuel it, I also know that it produces waste that can fuel other types of plasma fusion.
So do you think that if we build up a cluster of ITER's they could be self sufficent? What about stops?
Info from iter.org
Resources for the Fuel Cycle
The deuterium fuel is abundant in water (30 g/m3) and can be extracted by electrolysis. Lake Geneva alone, for instance, contains enough deuterium to supply all the primary energy needed by our planet for several thousand years.
Tritium has to be manufactured - "bred". After giving up its energy to heat the coolant, each neutron from the fusion reaction will be absorbed in the "blanket" surrounding the reactor core. This blanket contains lithium which is transformed into tritium and helium, according to the following reactions:
for thermal neutrons:
n + 6Li -> 4He + T + 4.78 MeV
for neutrons above 2.5 MeV:
n + 7Li -> 4He + T + n
Thus if the neutron reacts with the predominant isotope present in natural lithium it produces a further neutron as well as tritium, so more tritium can be bred than consumed. Natural lithium is found in large quantities in the Earth's crust and in weaker concentrations in the oceans.
In a practical design not all neutrons can be stopped in lithium, and another neutron "multiplier" such as lead or beryllium may be used in addition. Fusion reactors will aim to minimize their use for economic reasons.
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