Perhaps we should clarify the differences between energy and potential energy: They are not the same. There is a potential energy between the earth and the sun due to gravitational forces. The force of attraction between the earth and the sun balances the opposite force that exists on the earth due to its rotation around the sun.
Let everyone know that this is not an unlimited source of energy. Should anyone be able to invent a device that uses thes e forces to generate energy, than the potential energy decreases. This would lead to a bigger orbit and thus indeed extra days.
Obviously the >>9 story is ridiculous. The coelestial aether was found to be nonexistent. Read Michelson Morley experiment. Their findings were in fact crucial for the development of relativity theory. Also, if the wheel did create an extra day in february, that should have been existent in all other years. I think you're confused with the fact that in some years february has a 31st day anyhow because the earth doesn't orbit the sun in exactly 365 days, but a fraction of a day less, so every now and then astronomers have to factor in another day. Otherwise, historical positioning of the earth relative to the sun becomes a pain.
Let anyone who knows how to use the coelestial aether speak up.