Scientists discover prehistoric cave with unknown lifeforms (41)

19 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2006-08-13 18:37 ID:MvfJoMJH

>>17, when you ask for the "how," what precisely are you asking for?

The mechanism? Mutations can arise from many sources, radiation (including ultraviolet light) and exposure to mutagenic chemicals among them. Or are you asking how rapidly mutations accumulate? Obviously it's different from species to species due to differing lengths of generations as well as differing evolutionary pressures and different external factors that can make mutation more rapid in specific environments.

>>18, there IS evidence for the modern version of Darwin's model, whether we want to see it or not. Does the term "Human Genome Project" mean anything to you? Are you aware of the work since 1990 on cladistic comparisons of biochemistry among species, which has become accepted as tremendously strong evidence for evolution without even examining genetic material? Start here:


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