Time travel (209)

164 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-02-19 19:01 ID:idwUBqtg


> Why would you say time has a direction, or flow?

Direction: from pas to future
Flow: as your speed/mass increases, your times slows down compared to other objects.

> Space does not have direction or flow.

Direction: space has three (proven) directions, that's why we speak of 3D, three dimensions.
Flow: actually space seems to have a flow, since the universe is expanding. According to latest discoveries, this expansion (called inflation) could eventually lead to disintegration of galaxies, stars, etc,...

165 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-02-19 20:02 ID:TZ2BDyKP


That is not what I said. I used "direction" and "flow" as different descriptions of the same thing.


I would say this because it is extremely obvious that it has. Answering the question of why it does is what this was all about.

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