Some Products Of Dr.Zaghloul Elnaggar (24)

14 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2006-11-02 23:36 ID:wcruWFGw

>>13 No, if you read my post you'll notice I've also experienced real miracles. Something that neither you nor anyone else can simply explain away. I also know others who have as well.

As for simply feeling strongly about it I assume because you've never experienced such things you have no idea what you're saying. As it is however I'll leave you with something simple to answer you. This is of course not all there is to the matter but it's simple and easy to grasp. I feel good as I follow the laws of God and miserable as I disobey them.

This matter isn't for me alone, I can show you as well if you trust me.

As for the icecream flavor, either 1 flavor is more preferred then all others or it isn't. Simple.

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