Some Products Of Dr.Zaghloul Elnaggar (24)

9 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2006-10-31 18:34 ID:wcruWFGw

More religion vs science eh? I look at it this way, there is only 1 truth. In other words there is only 1 true history of Ceasar, there is only 1 favorite ice cream flavor, there is only 1 largest truck, there is only 1 history of the formation of the Earth. Science and religion take different paths to find out that 1 truth and we do the best with what we can observe.

For me I accept science for the explanations it can give, I understand that science examines the geological history of the earth to learn about it's origins but I find no conflict in my religeous beliefs.

Personally I've felt the presence of God in my life and know others who have as well, often I may add. I've also seen real miracles on occasion so my knowledge of God is not based on faith (the dictionary definition which states that faith is belief in something that cannot be proven) since I have proven the existence of God through searching and prayer, and since I've seen miracles in my own life and in the life of others I no longer have faith, I have knowledge based on my own personal experiences.

So for statements like >>5 I can only say that science can never disprove the existence of God, partly because science cannot disprove of something that exists and partly because science lacks the ability to disprove, it can only prove.

This doesn't mean I'm some sort of religious whack job who disaggrees with science (well, I do disagree with this Dr Zhagoul whatever guy). We are all searching for answers to the same questions. Does this mean my belief in science is incomplete and I rely too much on God for answers? No. I look at science as providing the how.

The more we understand the creation of this world through such sciences as evolution, plate techtonics, astronomy, and other resources, the closer we come to understand how God organized the universe based upon scientific and mathematical laws.

God is the great scientist and mathmatician and I like to learn how it is he created what he did. I'll say again, I see no conflict between science and my religious beliefs.

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