Proof that God Exists (615, permasaged)

28 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-01-17 12:16 ID:IxoJouJO

> Asking the further question just exposes the depravity of your position. So, could molesting children for fun be right according to your worldview?

Please learn some moral philosophy, and stop going around making idiotic statements like this. If you do not believe that there are universal, absolute morals, that question is compeltely meaningless, because "right" does not mean anything.

Instead, it is replaced by:

I think that molesting children is bad, under pretty much all ciurcumstances (I'll grant that there might exist some highly pathological case where it would be for the greater good, but such a situation is not likely to ever occur in real life). I do not need to invoke any higher authority on this. My own opinion suffices.

However, I can easily see that another person would consider it to be right. That does not affect my own position that it is bad.

See, just because universal morals do not exist does not automatically mean you accept everything. This is not hard to understand. Using your own ignorance of the opposing side's worldview to insult others and paint yourself suprior just makes you look like a huge asshole.

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