Proof that God Exists (615, permasaged)

305 Name: Shii : 2007-01-23 21:01 ID:AOvmiGeR

> If God did not exist, rationality would not be possible. How do you account for the universal, abstract, invariant laws of logic, and the uniformity of nature apart from God. I see that you enjoy ducking this question as well.

People have a tendency to agree with each other. What can I say? That's human nature.

> When you employ rationality, logic and science, you presuppose God as well, you just do not admit it.

If this is your belief, then you think we are all denying the existence of God whom we know exists deep down, rather than simply not believing in God. If that is so there is no hope in arguing with you do not believe we are arguing logically, so you cannot take our claims at face value. This explains why you didn't want to read -- it is an atheist site so the author is obviously lying to himself.

What you need to understand is that no atheist thinks he is "denying" anything. I honestly believe my position to be morally and logically coherent. The mere existence of a generally agreed-upon system of logic and morals does not prove to me that someone had to create it. It says to me that people are smart. That's nice.

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