Proof that God Exists (615, permasaged)

88 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-01-21 13:18 ID:5nQkvT9+

> I like telling the truth. I like being able to say that torturing babies for fun is absolutely wrong, unlike you folks who have to contort your minds around the idea that it could be right.

So you agree that your beliefs are not strong enough to support themselves without appeal to authority? You can not argue the issue on its own merits, you have to invoke god?

> Because if morality is arbitrary, the 'personal conviction' of the child molester carries just as much weight.

And why do the convictions of a madman worry you so much? Neither he nor you exists in a vaccuum. You both live in society, and society gives weight to morals. Do you somehow think that a child molester's view of morality will affect society more than yours?

I think you are getting confused by this: Without absolute morals, there can be no morals that relate only to a single person. All morals have to be thought of in terms of interactions between people. I know how much christians love to apply morals to actions by individuals that affect nobody but themselves, so I can see why this worries you.

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