Free Will (115)

80 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-03-03 18:23 ID:NK6j9axv

It was my original argument that most of our moral behavior is hardwired. But it's not hardwired in a way such that we perceive we're acting beyond our control, it's hardwired in such a way that when we act according to it, we feel as though we're acting in our own best interest.

I think that's the only reason anyone conforms to societal morals. Personal guilt, and fear of punishment. No guilt and no punishment means no incentive to behave in any particular way.

And it's not just too hard to overcome guilt, you (and I) would feel guilty for trying to overcome guilt, because you know what your intended outcome would be (to behave in a way that would normally make you feel guilty.) That in itself is a deterrant.

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