[environment] The Great Global Warming Swindle [politics] (445)

141 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-29 16:32 ID:oPpVpLfV

> I'd like to ban soda pop since i believe the CO2 bubbles they have is a great contributor to global warming. Probably a liter bottle of coca cola has more CO2 in it then the exhaust from a whole day of car driving.

"Probably" nothing. Perhaps you should educate yourself about some facts instead of making idiotic shit up?

The mass of released carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel is roughly 3.6 times the mass of the burned fuel. Let's (conservatively) say your car burns about 10 kgs of fuel in a day. That makes 36 kilograms of released carbon dioxide.

Do you really think your soda bottle has 36 kilograms of CO2 in it?

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