[environment] The Great Global Warming Swindle [politics] (445)

148 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-30 06:59 ID:I0TQ2/Su

I like how you subtlely beg the question. Really, I do. You've got data that indicate that both the average global temperature of the Earth is increasing, and that it is the result of man? That's impressive. I could see why you would completely ignore an argument against your view, since it's wrong for opposing it. I guess whole studies on how the data is unreliable or misinterpretted or how carbon dioxide levels trail behind global temperature trends are completely worthless, because they don't support your views.

So, do you have any copies of some available data that will even show me a correlation between human action and average global temperature, with some indicator of human action leading? Since that's what you're saying anyway. I've got a background in statistics, I'd like to examine this info myself.

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