[environment] The Great Global Warming Swindle [politics] (445)

207 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-09-24 23:39 ID:Heaven

For god's sake you don't know a single thing about gas exchange, economics, the requirements for human life, or the fact that a single species already nearly wiped out most all life on earth eons ago (and that was motherfucking bacteria).

> Even though that's never happened before.


> Even though previous hot times proved to be really good for life.

abysmally stupid

> Even though we're actually about 2000 years overdue for another ice age.

waste-of-oxygen stupid

> Even though any given CO2 molecule would be lucky to last five years before being eaten by a plant or sucked up by the ocean.

proof-i'm-involved-in-a-turing-test stupid


> Easy way to solve the excess CO2 problem. Add a tenth of an inch of fertile topsoil to every farm. That should lock it up good.

Sounds like something Chairman Mao would come up with.

I don't know whether to laugh at you, cry for humanity or just be quietly embarrassed on your behalf.

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