[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

202 Name: proofthatgodexists.org : 2007-10-07 12:23 ID:Bdiw1dN3


Changing our minds is the very strength behind science, if we can't do this, it doesn't work.

Which is exactly why the evolutionary model fails, as it does not account for 'changing one's mind.' You see, according to any evolutionary model, our thoughts are just the by-product of the electro-chemical processes in our brains. As Doug Wilson puts it, the difference between your thoughts and my thoughts could be likened to the difference between shaking 2 cans of pop and opening them, You happen to 'fizz' atheism, and I happen to 'fizz' Christianity, arguing which is right, or suggesting that anyone could 'change their fizz' is irrational. Heck, rationality is irrationl under that model.

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