[Debate] Is God real? [Religion] (445)

39 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-07-16 23:10 ID:vBTmDpCX

I realize that there is can be no definite proof that there is a god or that there is no god, and that the absence of evidence does not mean that there is no god. But while there isn't any evidence for god, people tend to forget that there is lots of evidence against the existence of such a beeing.

Given the number of paradoxes omnipotence and/or omniscience create (Heavy stones, evil, beeing mutually exclusive), given the really huge number of gods no one believes in anymore (Thor, Zeus, take your pick), given some at least mildly convincing theories on the actual origin of religion and the belief in god (Say, as a byproduct of children blindly believing what their parents say, which is of great survival value - if a kid listens when you say "Stay away from the huge cliff", chances are it'll live longer), given the wildly contradictory nature of most "holy books", given the uselessness of a god in explaining creation (So, god just popped into existance?), and given that most of the things once "explained" by invoking a god are now beautifully explained by elegant scientific theories which are often backed up by mountains of evidence, and likeley several other things I can't spontaneously think of the existence of a god, any god, must be considered really, really unlikeley, even more so the existence of any of the current major gods.

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