Gille Deleuze (23)

4 Name: OP : 2007-07-27 11:20 ID:yz2bN224

Hehe that's my university ^^
He was a teacher there, and also the classes I had were done by a teacher who was doing a thesis on him. Seems that's the place to go if you want to study about him.
So far I've read What is Philosophy ? only. Seemed to me more of an esthetic than a system, I mean it has nothing to do with antic philosophy... A bit like a point of view (because, of course, well planes and concepts don't exist), a way of seeing things. That's the theme of the book : the scientific, artistic and philosophic ways of seeing and thinking.
And yet, he uses very precise words which have a precise meaning (I don't know them in english)...

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