The Purpose of Aging (and living, dying) (44)

11 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2007-08-30 14:26 ID:kxJXYSWy

Animals evolve in nature because the weak die out and the strong keep surviving. In this way, animals adapt to their environment and strengthen themselves as a species.

Mankind rejected evolution, preferring to correct their own faults through outside means. Thus, man created eyeglasses, hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, and medicine to cure diseases which would have purged humanity of some of its weaker members. Money allows even the genetically weakest among us to survive past the poor, which may or may not be genetically stronger.

Intelligence is something that has surpassed physical strength in the order of evolution among man. In this way, we are different from animals, whose death signify future genetic improvement. Our deaths no longer signify anything genetically.

Man was too good for evolution. Man was too good for living and dying naturally. Man has rejected nature. Man intends to make himself a God.

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