Time Cube: Cubic Awareness Online (7)

5 Name: Anonymous07 : 2007-09-09 03:10 ID:kvubLFCq

I second that.
Tons of senseless stuff:

In the "Time Cube Proof" section there are three kinds of proof ( Axiomatic, Epistemological, and "Scientific") enlisted in 64 cases. 90% of them are based on previous ones, like these:

>CASE 11
>To represent rotation, we take, from CASE 5, a static linear >duality, and from CASE 9, a 4-corner-quadrant division...
>CASE 21
>From CASE 16, infinity is disproven. This means that the >particle described in CASE 20 cannot accelerate infinitely. >That is to say, it must have a finite maximum speed.
>CASE 58
>From empirical inference: between any two of the four >emotional states from CASE 57, a transition is able to occur.
>>> To be continued
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