Will we eventualy colonise other planets? (43)

21 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-06-25 02:41 ID:5chEMwDN


Honestly, for right now I'd go for nuclesr for electric, and hydrogen fuel cells for automobiles. And of course we need to seriously start looking for ways to conserve what we have left so that we don't burn throught the coal faster than we burned through the oil.

But we need to seriously start looking for renewables, because sooner or later we'll run out of fossil fuels. And at that point, we're beyond seriously fucked. if you think we're dependant NOW wait until the average city is as big as LA and our power consumption is 10x what it is today. Our power usage has gone up dramatically since 1900, and it's still growing. That doesn't even count the oil derivatives used as fertilizers, the plastics, etc. that we get from oil.

Our entire culture runs on fossil fuels, and when they run out, we really will head back to the caves.

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