Interesting facts (21)

13 Name: Anonymous Scientist : 2008-03-20 11:01 ID:P8GBe0rR


Right. So are you saying that during your OBEs you can literally see and hear without eyes or ears, or is there some other magic involved?

You can probably see where I'm going with this. Sensing the universe requires that you interact with the universe: if you can see then you must be blocking the path that rays of light would otherwise of taken, making you visible - at least from - behind as a silhouette. But then what, physically, is blocking the light? Can you touch it? What's it connected to (presumably the visual information must be sent somewhere to be processed, even if not by your brain)? If not, why not?

This is all apart from the fact that OBE believers claim to experience full mental function while their brain is dead, and yet we observe impairment of mental function in people whose brains are damaged. Why should the mind gradually lose function as the brain is damaged, then bounce back once it's dead?

This whole idea rests upon a chain of implausible assertions, which is why I don't think anyone with an analytical frame of mind could possibly accept it.

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